A duo show by Amikam Toren and Charlie Warde
What’s the Matter? Are you daydreaming? For Artissima 2024, Cable Depot presents a dialogue between two artists, from different generations and career stages, in conversation that began over a decade ago when Charlie Warde was an MA student and Amikam Toren was his tutor. Both artists investigate matter and materiality, conceptually and technically, pushing at the very foundations of representation, painting and sculpture. Toren is known for turning matter into paint with seemingly the lightest of gestures, while Warde meticulously turns paint into matter, creating often photo-reali- stic facsimiles of architectural debris, using only medium and pigment.
The presentation consists of 6 paintings, in 3 pairings, an installation and a pair of paint-based floor pieces. In each pair, Warde has created a new work that individually responds to his mentor’s, the new with the historical.